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Sabbath School Lesson

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson

Love and the Commandments

Posted: 20 Aug 2009 08:29 AM PDT

What do the two passage teach about the commandments apart from that they should be kept?

   1 John 3:22
   This passage teaches us that in addition to keeping of the
   commandments we must do the things which are pleasing to God.
   And example I can see from this is when Jesus was baptized.
   After Jesus's baptism the words were pronounced upon him.
   "This is my son in whom I am well pleased"(Mat 3:17) Also
   Jesus states that He always does the things which please
   His Father (John 8:29) This suggests to me that it is more than
   just obedience but a type of love relationship that God wants
   us to have with Him.
   1 John 3:23
   This passage bring out to aspects of keeping God's commandments.
   the first thing is that we are to believe on Jesus Christ. The next
   thing is that we love on another. These two things are stated as
   things which have been commanded but that are not normally considered
   as commandments.
   I believe that these two mandates focus of on the spirit behind the
   the commandments. We seek to exalt Jesus Christ and believe in Him
   we must also seek to love one another. To attempt to love one another
   and to exalt Jesus apart from obedience to His commandments is
   attempting and impossibility.
   1 John 3:24
   This passage brings out the idea that in keeping the commandments
   we are abiding with God. This takes me to another beautiful idea
   that John paints in the gospel of John. "If anyone loves Me, He will
   keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come in to him
   and make Our abode with him"(John 14:23)
   In keeping of the commandments we are making ourselves fit vessels
   for the dwelling place of God. When we remember the sanctuary we
   understand that God dwells on the mercy seat where inside of the
   ark rested God's commandments. God wants to abide within us and our
   obedience makes a place for him to live within us
   1 John 4:21
   This is a beautiful passage and it helps us to understand exactly
   what the outworking of the principles of the commandments should do.
   A love for obedience to God and His commandments should be seen in
   a love for the children of God.
   1 John 5:2
   This passage bring the keep on the commandments from a mere individual
   sphere to something which has more of an impact on the community. An
   individual who does not observe the commandments does not love God's
   children. The person who seeks to live in disobedience to God is a person
   who acting in a unloving manor toward God's children.
   1 John 5:3
   I like this passage because it lets us know that keeping the
   commandments is not something which will burden us down. This lets us
   know that obedience in an outworking of our love for God which makes
   it not a burden.
How can we, in our walk with the Lord, experience the reality of God's commandments as something more than just a set of rules? Is that all they are? Or are they something more? If so, what?
   When we look at the commandments as the principle of Love it
   does something for us when we think about how we are to keep
   them. The commandments can be seen in our love toward God and
   our love toward one another. The keeping of God's commandments
   must invade the person and practical spheres of our lives. If
   the keeping of commandments does not help us to be better loving
   and lovable Christians something is wrong with our keeping.
Prayer:Father thank you for you love that
you have bestowed upon us. Please help us to love supremely and to love one another.
Thank you Father. In Jesus name I pray amen.


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