Monthly Calendar

Spiritual Power

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Spiritual Power

And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power
together with all the saints. Eph. 3:17, 18, NIV.

We are to reflect the character of Jesus. Everywhere, whether in the church,
at our homes, or in social intercourse with our neighbors, we should let the
lovely image of Jesus appear. This we cannot do unless we are filled with
His fullness. If we would become better acquainted with Jesus, we should
love Him for His goodness and excellence and we should desire to become so
assimilated to His divine character that all would know that we had been
with Jesus, and learned of Him.

It is by carrying out in our lives the pure principles of the gospel of
Christ that we honor and glorify our Father, who is in heaven. When we are
doing this, we are reflecting Heaven-given light upon the dark world around
us. Sinners will be constrained to confess that we are not the children of
darkness, but the children of light. How shall they know this? By the fruits
we bear. Men may have their names upon the church book; but that does not
make them children of light. They may hold honorable positions and receive
the praise of men; but that does not make them children of light. . . .
There must be a deep work of grace--the love of God in the heart, and this
love is expressed by obedience.

It is Christ dwelling in the soul that gives us spiritual power, and makes
us channels of light. The more light we have, the more we can impart to
others around us. The more closely we live to Jesus, the clearer views shall
we have of His loveliness. As we behold Him in His purity, we discern more
clearly our own faults of character. We yearn after Him, and for that
fullness that is in Him, and that shines out in the perfection of His
heavenly character; and by beholding we become changed into His image. . . .
{LHU 266.4}

Everyday we are sowing some kind of seed. If we sow the seeds of unbelief,
we shall reap unbelief; if we sow pride, we shall reap pride; if we sow
stubbornness, we shall reap stubbornness, "for whatsoever a man soweth, that
shall he also reap." . . .

Our hearts may be filled with all the fullness of God; but there is
something for us to do. We must not pet our faults and sins, but put them
away, and make haste to set our hearts in order. When this is done, let us
take the key of faith, and unlock the storehouse of God's rich blessings. .
. . There is an infinite fullness to draw from; and we have the promise of
our divine Lord, "According to your faith be it unto you." We may win the
crown of life, a place at God's right hand, and as we enter the pearly
gates, hear the words, sweeter than any music, "Well done, good and faithful
servant . . . : enter thou into the joy of thy lord" (Matt. 25:23) (Signs of
the Times, Aug. 18, 1887).

>From Lift Him Up - Page 266

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